
Sunday, April 8, 2012


I can hardly believe it's April!! I have a few big races on the calendar that I feel undertrained for...the story of my race life! I am signed up for the Marquee 1/2 iron distance tri next (yikes!) weekend, the Tour d' Fire 139 mile bike ride at the beginning of May and the Medcity marathon at the end of May.
I am hoping for cool weather for these races--with that I am certain I will make it.
Also, April marks the "official" start to Ironman training. I am looking at ways to get in 2 workouts a day. I am also committing to drinking a green smoothie to start out each day! This is probably my biggest challenge as I am not a morning person and we're usually scrambling to get out the door as it is.
Here's to iron training!!

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